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Brothers🙎‍♂️ are what best friends🙅‍♂️ can never be

Leave someone who hates you as much as you hate yourself😔

You. Can’t. Be. Me. So Don’t Even Try.

I am fire🔥 and ice🥶 People👨‍👧‍👦 fear my cold🥶 and crave my warmth😜

I can’t believe that you are one year old now🤪! God bless you🥰, my little boy😊

Brothers🙎‍♂️ are what best friends🙅‍♂️ can never be

Leave someone who hates you as much as you hate yourself😔

You. Can’t. Be. Me. So Don’t Even Try.

I am fire🔥 and ice🥶 People👨‍👧‍👦 fear my cold🥶 and crave my warmth😜

I can’t believe that you are one year old now🤪! God bless you🥰, my little boy😊

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*Beberapa pertanyaGan yang sering ditanyakan oleh pembGDZDGBB CXZeli. Selengkapnya

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